GF Capital
Multi Family Bridge Loans

Real estate is a viable alternative for those who can’t stand the volatility of the stock market. It is a better investment for investors that want to take an active role in growing their financial portfolio. In real estate there is more than one strategy that can pay off. There is money for the taking in real estate for the right person. GF Capital can help you grow your real estate empire with multifamily bridge loans. Investing in multifamily real estate is a good idea for many reasons.
Higher Price, Easier to Finance
In almost all cases the cost to purchase an apartment complex will far exceed that of a single family home. A single rental unit could cost as little as $30,000, where a complex can reach into the millions. At first blush the higher price tag might seem harder to cover, but that’s not always true. The multifamily property generates income and lenders like that. With several renters one or two being late with the rent isn’t as big a deal. If a single renter in a house is late or misses, there’s nobody else to pick up the slack.
Grow Your Portfolio Faster
Multifamily real estate is a great way to build your portfolio faster. Buying a 30-unit apartment complex is a lot easer and less time consuming than buying 30 different single family homes. You would have to negotiate with 30 different sellers and in some cases take out 30 different loans to cover the cost.
Utilize Property Management
Many real estate investors love acquiring property and loathe taking care of it. This is where property management companies come into play. They will handle all the day to day taking care of repairs, collecting rent, etc. Taking on the cost associated with this doesn’t make sense if you have one or two properties. If you have 30 under one roof, then hiring property management makes sense and is affordable.
GF Capital provides bridge loans for multifamily dwellings in Santa Ana, California. We make our own deals, with our own money, and we close fast. Contact us today.
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