GF Capital
Multi Family Bridge Loans

Most discussions about real estate center around single family homes and maybe vacation homes, and for good reason too. For the average person it is the largest person they will ever make and the biggest investment. Real estate developers and business owners are a different breed, and they know that industrial properties are out there for the taking. GF Capital has experience giving industrial property bridge loans. We know how fast business moves and we meet the demands and have knowledge about industrial space. There is a lot to know and to consider when buying commercial and industrial property, like the different classes of commercial property.
Class A Industrial
Class A buildings are usually the newest and best structures on the market. The industrial spaces built today are made with superior materials, techniques, and are under more stringent building codes. They come with better amenities like high ceilings, better mechanicals, and more power to handle the increased electricity demands in modern business. Class A commercial spaces come with a higher prices tags but are a lower risk for investors.
Class B Industrial
Class B buildings are typically older buildings, but they can be newer ones without all the bells and whistles of a Class A. Rental income with this class is lower than Class A, but Class B buildings that are well maintained, creating a value added opportunity. These buildings can be converted into a higher class via renovations. They are a good option for investors looking for immediate cash flow while waiting for the property to appreciate.
Class C Industrial
Class C industrial buildings are usually 20 years or older, have many maintenance issues, and are in less than desirable locations. They bring in the lowest rental rates because of these issues, making passive investment opportunities scarce. For the right investor with the patience and the capital, they can be a great investment. They are convertible through renovation into assets with massive upside and resale value.
GF Capital provides industrial property bridge loans in Southern California. We make our own deals, with our own money, and we close fast. Contact us today.
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