GF Capital
Entitled Land Bridge Loan

One of the most important things to now about a piece of land before you buy it is what can you legally build on it. Fully entitled land has received all the necessary government approvals for a particular use. That basically means understanding what the land is zoned for. Is it agriculture land, commercial, residential, and so forth? GF Capital does bridge loans for entitled land so you can get the plot you want with less hassle and more speed.
Zoning for Land Use
Knowing a property’s current zoning and futures land use is important for developers and land brokers. The zoning tells them what the baseline is and what can and cannot be built on the land. Zoning regulations can also include what size building is permitted, the type, parking requirements, and so on. Just because a piece of real estate is zoned the way you want doesn’t mean a certain kind of development is feasible. It also doesn’t guarantee that the project will get the actual government approval to build. To get the actual government permission developers must go through the entitlement process.
Land Entitlement Process
Depending on the governing body and who you’re dealing with, the entitlement process can be long and tedious. This point in the process means dealing with bureaucrats and politicians and government regulations. Not only does the development have to comply with zoning and future land us from the municipality, it must also conform to other regulations. It must follow local water use and runoff requirements, building codes, and it will need water, gas, and electrical lines run. Large developments can lead to more infrastructure needs. These are just a few of the challenges that face real estate developers when acquiring entitled land.
GF Capital provides entitled land bridge loans in Southern California. We make our own deals, with our own money, and we close fast. Contact us today.
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